Friday, January 28, 2005

Holy Crap!!!

I found some really old poems that i wrote about 1995!! They were poems i wrote at work and saved them to disk and stored them away. Somome handed me all these old disks (67 to be exact!) that pertaine to work. Perusing through them I found some old random paint brush art and some old poetry. i thought i would post a couple just for fun. Enjoy!! Man I was like 21!!! weird!!! time has a funny way of telling a story.

Closet tramp,
amphetamine queen.
A prison in the locker room.
A mirror sniffed clean.
Nympho Sunshine,
by moon will rise.
She gathers sheep
on constant streets.
Both trick and treat
For those who have the green.
I know the way to heaven,
and Angel is her name.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

In response to a comment made for my last post "It's Hard to Find Good Help"

It’s true, cute girls who dispense coffee rock my socks. Most guys I know can’t wait for Sports Illustrated swimsuit addition, but not me. I’d rather they made a magazine or even a 12 month calendar (13 month! make it a bakers dozen) of Candid Casuals of Cute Coffee Girls Dispensing Coffee (WOW look at those alliterations) It could be called, C.C.C.C.G.C (this acronym sounds more like a stammer) It stands for Candid Casuals of Cute Coffee Girls Confidential. The photos would be tasteful, maybe done on grainy black and white film. Color is fine, mix it up, hell through some sepia in there. I am open for exploration. That would be the magazine for me.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

More things that BM likes

Patricia Arquette's teeth!

That's right, she has the hottest teeth in America and potentially beyond! I am sure she has a nice bum and breasts, but I’m in for her great teeth. Her teeth have character. I should start my very own fan site dedicated to Patricia Arquette’s teeth. I wonder if there are any ot there? I must check now good bye.

I love you Patricia Arquette’s Teeth, you move me.

I love this monkey more then any word can express!

This picture was taken by take a visit he is amazing!
Posted by Hello

hey!!! Look who it is!!! Posted by Hello

Friday, January 14, 2005

BM, further explains his Blog...

What is my blog?

My blog is your blog exactly but different in the way that it’s individual... it's mine. Stating the obvious like fiction is false I am sure but I am willing to take that leap. I thought I would spend a second to examine the meaning of my blog.

Cobwebs and sawdust, the title of my blog has actual meaning to the term in two different ways.

Example one:

A cobweb is a sticky substance extracted by an arachnid. The Cobweb is acting as the blog itself. The format of holding onto a thought. The Cobweb represents my every day personal journal which I write in once a day

Sawdust particles thrown to the bottom by a piece of whole substance. The words in which I type/write are my sawdust. The bits and fragments of the whole entire picture.
Snap shots in verse, out of context metaphors, ramblings out of pattern of the actual point. The chunk of wood is avoided. You see the dust accumulated on the cobwebs.

Example two:

A lot like example one. The Cobweb represents the spider, but is not the spider.
The saw dust is accumulation of shavings from the true form. The piece of wood.
In essence of it all what I write in my blog are pieces of my real time, live living journal. Be it false, real, or inconsequential. It’s just a segment of the rest. That is my Blog.

When I write poetry I never like to tell the meaning. In creative writing class in high school /college they would teach you to paraphrase. God forbid if you happen to paraphrase the poem different then the instructor. F+ wrong!! I always believed poetry, writing, movies, and music to be interactive. Interactive meaning that whatever was provoked from your thought is the actual way it is. Life is all perception. No one will ever understand what you understand. I can’t tell you how many time people have read my stuff and told me something other then what I intended. The funny part is that the experience they perceived was 100 times better then what I intended. They had imagination and meaning. They paraphrased each line according to their personal experience. That is the best compliment. When someone sees something different from what I meant.

Thanks for stopping by and giving me a moment of your life. Every second counts and I appreciate that you share a piece with me.

Some maybe fiction, but every word has meaning to me.

When you read what read on here, don't think of me, think of yourself.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Work Woes

Soooo in order for upper management to delegate every possible stitch of work possible like some sick pyramid scheme thing, they are now making us write our own reviews. I thought I would share my lame ass sarcastic review of myself hope you enjoy the monotony as I do!! My favorite is the last answer. I don't think they were amused, to that I say "Well you shouldn't have asked!!"

Evaluation 2004
Brought to you by Brian Mitchell

Q: What are the things you are proudest of as far as what you accomplished in 2004?

A: My most proud moment of 2004 would have to be my steadfast response to work. I always try to stay one step ahead of the game, to multi-task and to multi task well.

Q: What was the single Contribution you made to the company in 2004?

A: I would say my biggest contribution in 2004 was to keep up with the increasing work load, Being Warranties and liabilities, Labels, Phone calls, show samples or what ever should come my way. Inclosing all my greatest accomplishment is not a “Single” accomplishment but “Several” accomplishments.

Q: What are the tings that you didn’t get done in 2004?

A: Clearing out all the old warranties and liability claims for heaters and radiators. With the new six-moth policy in a effect it will help me maintain a better condition in that department. As of now, in 2005 I have eradicated all heaters that surpassed the six-month policy.

Q: What Will you do to improve you performance in 2005?

A: My performance is wonderful. I am the best.

Q: What can we do as a company, department, or me as a leader to help you do your job better?

A: Money!!! I have been a part of Transpro for 10 years now and feel my pay increases have not been sufficient enough. A 3% raise (if I even get to that level) is barely cost of living. It pays for my gas to get to Transpro. It is difficult to raise a growing family with my current salary. Giving me a higher percentage would greatly renew my sense of being at Transpro.

Something Smells Rotten!

NO! It's no me, it's him -------->

Big ups to this suckah!!

Best/worst quote from a coworker…

“Fiction is fake.”

Sometimes it hurts so much to think so hard!!!

Thursday, January 06, 2005

My belated new years resolution. A BM revolution.

(not to be done in any particular order will save resolution 5 until all others are completed)

1. Hit more people with my car
2. Make a strawberry shake (Completed)
3. learn invisibility
4. Clip my toenails on a more regular basis. They get so long am I am able to climb trees.
5. Jump off a cliff
6. get a tattoo on my elbow that says, Chili is Good
7. Huff more toxins
8. Burn something
9. Teach Connor how destroy a stuffed bunny
10. Eat sugar cubes until I puke (Completed)

I thank you Bookend for the motivation. I saw your list and thought, “Wow I have to do something more with my 2005."

I am a natural born slacker and without a good kick in the stool I would have spent 2005 like I did my 2004; Just to sit on the curb and watch the world go by. Something tells me knowing my characteristic makeup that I will pretty much do the same thing. Here is to the good life...

Uninvolved : )