2004 OX-Cart Riots
Update on the fair. Overall had a great time with the help of Connor, Kate, and friends. I would go again willingly and without hesitation. I believe the MC of the ox-pulling contest yelled at me. The story is as follows. Up on a hill, large as can be the group I was with decided to take a break. We sat and talked while we ate fried dough, ice cream dots, and fried Twinkies. As we talked we watched the Ox pulling contest. Crazy Hairy men with whips were screaming and hitting their ox to top position. I decide to scream hoot, and holler along with the ox-cart show. Minutes after screaming my friend Bob told me a couple of the big hairy ox-cart cheerleaders were looking at me. I let out a couple hog calls and sure enough Bob’s theory was accurate. They were looking, annoyed I must say. I went on my way calling, screaming, yelling, and whatever I could do. 10 minutes later the MC giving play-by-play commentary asked for the crowd to be as quite as possible. He said the oxen were getting confused weather to stop or go. How was I supposed to know the sport required the audience to be as quite as that of a golf match?!?!? I went in like it was a Rugby game. They should hand out pamphlets that show in article 2 paragraph 1b in the ox cart decree states no passer byeer or audience attendant will cheer the successes of the oxen or their big hairy cheerleading groupies.
I was responsible for the 2004 ox-cart riots!!!