Tuesday, June 21, 2005

BIG OL’ BLOG CHANGE!! Pipe Dreams and Bad Self-Esteem

Inspired by some friends I decided to go for the gusto and try to get published. Some new friends have given me the confidence to give it a shot. Pipe Dream? Yes it’s true, but I will never know until I try.

Why the missing poetry on my blog? Well looking through submission policies I noticed that they ask to send non-published material. They consider on-line publications (Blog) to be published work. Soooo in order to try and follow guidelines I removed the poems to be legit. “To legit, to legit to quit!!” “go hammer go hammer!” ok that was weird. I don’t feel well now. Right oh sooooooooooo on with my dream.

I will keep updates on my blog of my successes and failures. I am trying to keep myself positive; this is a hard thing for me to do. I have an awful self-esteem!! I tell myself “Why bother trying to publish anything” “Everyone is a writer” “Your work is nothing special. It’s like everyone else’s” “Don’t Bother” these are the voices I hear in my unmedicated head!!! I beat myself up continually. I am my own worst critic but myself wants me dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must conquer my self-esteem issue. Sure rejection letters won’t help but fuck it; at least I gave it a go!!

Stay tuned I will be here still even though my poetry mat not. Thanx everyone!!!