Monday, May 16, 2005

A weekend’s observation (spoilers which leads me to Fanny-Packs)

Give a person a Hyundai with a spoiler and they drive like an asshole.

(Put a spoiler on ANY low rent ride and they end up driving like an asshole.)

(Actually this may apply to any car with a spoiler.)

I try to tell myself it's not the spoilers fault it's the person with the spoiler. Spoilers don't kill stupid people...
Stupid people kill stupid people.

I say when you purchase a spoiler to put on your low rent ride you should receive, free of charge a day glo, super neon fanny-pack!!! Just to show how lame you really are.

Warning!!!!! if you happened to buy a car that came equipped with a spoiler you have less of a chance of driving like an asshole, this scenario pertains to people who go and purchase them separately.

The fanny pack is lame no matter how it was acquired. Bought, stolen, given, if worn you should be shot on sight.

Have a good day.

Good side project band names.

Kill Mommy Spoiler and the fanny-pack aggressions
Spoiler fanny-pack homicide
Spoiler -vs- fanny-pack
D.J. Spoiler and the fanny-pack brigade
Spoiler-o and Fanny-pack-a
The how dare you wear that fanny-pack around me, I am gonna bash you face in with a spoiler.
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