Friday, April 01, 2005

BM offers a random “Who gives a fuck” Moment

As I get older and my hair grows thin I notice how awkward my hair looks on my balding head. Almost as it doesn’t belong, like a weave, plug, GLH Formula 9 spray, or a comb over would. I am not going to try to prolong the inevitable with gels, creams, shampoo, massagers, Didi 7 that proclaim they promote hair growth. (ok maybe not didi 7, but it would remove any unwanted port wine stains) That is not my style. I am in transition and I am going to accept my fate. That is why last night I shaved my shit. No to the skin, the core of my design. Just a really close stubble for my skull to shine.

This random “Who gives a fuck” moment was brought to you by Wahl shavers. Clipping them down for a long long time! (I gots to get me a job in advertising)