Thursday, March 17, 2005

I would be a misanthrope if I didn’t have friends!!!!

A couple things…

Where is your green!?!?!?

Piss Off!!

You wouldn’t want to know. Ohh you want to know, ok.
Well I went to Mamouns yesterday and I ordered a hot steaming cup of Turkish coffee. Mmmmmm Like espresso but with an inch of grounds on the bottom of every cup. I consumed the liquid and grounds. Swishing the bits in my mouth like a dirty lake. Mmmmm I love a dirty lake, this morning (all who have had Turkish coffee before may relate) I took a crap. That crap was the Incredible Hulk green!! It was wonderful!! My homemade Leprechaun was flushed to the septic with the rest of the crap.

By this time the people who assault me with that stupid question walked away from me. Good choice.

Where is my Green!!!!?!?!? These are the same people with little magnetic ribbons all over their car stating “Save our troops” People who can only define themselves by Labels and colors. “Well you must not be a patriot because you don’t have a magnet saying so” IDIOTS!!! People actually think that weird shit!!!!! Some people can only define themselves by bumper stickers, Name brand specific, tagged labeled items, colors or whatever makes them feel they can ask you crap like “Where is your green?”

I have been here at work for 5 minutes and 3 people have asked me this. I don’t belong in public. I need to ne left under a bed. Yeah and also, shut up about green beer. My simple Philosophy about green beer is “If you can dye it green, it’s not real beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Go home and watch your American Idol and shut up!!! Stop with your questions to me!!!!

I would be a misanthrope if I didn’t have friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you offended by this…. GOOD LEARN YOUR LESSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop picking on people who don’t wear green red blue orange on the appropriate day. If you happen to wear green on the appropriate day cool!!!! Leave me out of the club if need be!!!

P.s. Happy St. Patrick’s Day.