Wednesday, August 04, 2004

3 am bathroom trip limerick

I once knew a hunter who killed for fun.
Shooting and trapping his number one.
then one day,
to his dismay,
he found himself on the other end of the gun.

*Note to Viewer*


This is NOT an anti-hunting statement. It’s only a dazed incoherent thought as I tried not to pee on my person. Hunting is fine with me; a lot of good food comes from people who hunt. Kill what you want that’s what I think. I would eat a dodo but their extinct. How unfortunate. I’m hungry.


When I say “Shooting and trapping his number one”
I don’t mean his urine…
he is not getting a physical at Dr. Bernard’s office, no nurses had to hand him a cup for an early morning sample.
I was using the word “One” to explain it was his favorite.
I can see the confusion it would have caused. I do apologize. I just wanted to clear it up for all the fucking goddamn nuns who maybe reading this.


BM, The Necessary Movement
making the blog more Nun and Priest friendly one step at a time.